Saturday, July 30, 2011

2011 in 2011. The End Of Week 30!

Hello Chums,

Okay, thirty weeks down and another fifty comics read. I'm crushing this challenge. (As I expected I would.)

Since I enjoyed the Battlestar Galactica books I read last week, I continued that theme this week. Check it out.

#1282. Battlestar Galactica - Season Zero #1.

#1283. Battlestar Galactica - Season Zero #2.

#1284. Battlestar Galactica - Season Zero #3.

#1285. Battlestar Galactica - Season Zero #4.

#1286. Battlestar Galactica - Season Zero #5.

#1287. Battlestar Galactica - Season Zero #6.

#1288. Battlestar Galactica - Season Zero #7.

#1289. Battlestar Galactica - Season Zero #8.

#1290. Battlestar Galactica - Season Zero #9.

#1291. Battlestar Galactica - Season Zero #10.

#1292. Battlestar Galactica - Season Zero #11.

#1293. Battlestar Galactica - Season Zero #12.

#1294. Battlestar Galactica - Origins #1.

#1295. Battlestar Galactica - Origins #2.

#1296. Battlestar Galactica - Origins #3.

#1297. Battlestar Galactica - Origins #4.

#1298. Battlestar Galactica - Origins #5.

#1299. Battlestar Galactica - Origins #6.

#1300. Battlestar Galactica - Origins #7.

#1301. Battlestar Galactica - Origins #8.

#1302. Battlestar Galactica - Origins #9.

#1303. Battlestar Galactica - Origins #10.

#1304. Battlestar Galactica - Origins #11.

#1305. Battlestar Galactica - Ghosts #1.

#1306. Battlestar Galactica - Ghosts #2.

#1307. Battlestar Galactica - Ghosts #3.

#1308. Battlestar Galactica - Ghosts #4.

#1309. Butcher Baker #5.

#1310. Alpha Flight #2.

#1311. Planet of the Apes #4. (phenomenal artwork!)

#1312. Godzilla - Kingdom of Monsters #5.

#1313. Batman - The Dark Knight #4. (Where o where is Finch's artwork? I know he is slow as hell, but only able to complete art for three issues? And they didn't even ship on time. Great job Finch!)

#1314. The Intrepids #5.

#1315. Criminal - The Last of the Innocent #2.

#1316. Next Men #(3)8. Where is this story going? I guess we'll find out next issue.

#1317. Captain America & Bucky #620.

#1318. Astonishing X-Men #40. I did say that Marvel should have saved the "Astonishing" moniker for Joss Whedon and John Cassaday. That being said this is a very entertaining arc.

#1319. Kirby Genesis #2.

#1320. Wolverine - The Best There Is #8.

From the collected edition Chew - The Omnivore Edition vol.1:

#1321. Chew #1.

#1322. Chew #2.

#1323. Chew #3.

#1324. Chew #4.

#1325. Chew #5.

#1326. Chew #6.

#1327. Chew #7.

#1328. Chew #8.

#1329. Chew #9.

#1330. Chew #10.

#1331. Princess Ann and the Magic Egg. (Mini-comic with artwork from OKC local artist and friend Richard "Swinging Dick" Jenkins.)

Wow! Another great week of reading comics. That leaves me with just 680 comic books to read. Easy.

Keep Reading Comics.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

2011 in 2011. The End Of Week 29!

Hello Chums,

With the annual San Diego Comic-Con in full swing this week, you'd maybe think that I would fall down on my comic book reading. Well you'd be wrong. Yes I ONLY read forty comics this week (I could have read quite a few more.) But I've also been intently watching the coverage out of San Diego on G4, Twitter, E.T. and the net. And there has been a lot of news as usual. Too many highlights to list for sure.

Besides my constant need for knowledge of all things San Diego, I also went to see Captain America -The First Avenger. Which was very good as well. Now bring on The Avengers (movie) next year. Who can wait?

Now for my reads:

#1242. BattleStar Galactica - Cylon Apocalypse #1.

#1243. Battlestar Galactica - Cylon Apocalypse #2.

#1244. Battlestar Galactica - Cylon Apocalypse #3.

#1245. Battlestar Galactica - Cylon Apocalypse #4.

#1246. Battlestar Galactica - Cylon War #1.

#1247. Battlestar Galactica - Cylon War #2.

#1248. Battlestar Galactica - Cylon War #3.

#1249. Battlestar Galactica - Cylon War #4.

#1250. Battlestar Galactica - The Final Five #1.

#1251. Battlestar Galactica - The Final Five #2.

#1252. Battlestar Galactica - The Final Five #3.

#1253. Battlestar Galactica - The Final Five #4.

#1254. Alien Nation - The Spartans #1.

#1255. Alien Nation - The Spartans #2.

#1256. Alien Nation - The Spartans #3.

#1257. Alien Nation - The Spartans #4.

#1258. Alien Nation - A Breed Apart #1.

#1259. Alien Nation - A Breed Apart #2.

#1260. Alien Nation - A Breed Apart #3.

#1261. Alien Nation - A Breed Apart #4.

#1262. Conan #5 (2004).

#1263. Conan #6.

#1264. Conan #7.

#1265. Conan #8.

#1266. Conan #9.

#1267. Conan #10.

#1268. C0nan #11.

#1269. Conan #12.

#1270. Conan - The Cimmerian #15 (2009).

#1271. Tales of the Teen Titans #52.

#1272. Tales of the Teen Titans #53.

#1273. Tales of the Teen Titans #54.

#1274. Criminal Macabre - The Goon (one-shot).

#1275. Elephantmen #33. (Two Thumbs WAY UP!)

#1276. True Blood - Tainted Love #6.

#1277. Sergio Aragones Funnies #1.

#1278. The Spirit #16.

#1279. Avengers #15.

#1280. Fear Itself - The Home Front #4.

#1281. Wonder Woman - Retro Active 1970's (one-shot).

That leaves me with just 730 comics to read. Or slightly less than 32 a week!

Keep Reading Comics!


Sunday, July 17, 2011

2011 in 2011. The End Of Week 28!

Hello Chums,

Another week down and not one, not two, not even forty comics read. How many? Try 70! That is my BIGGEST week ever! Check it out.

From the collected edition Sin City vol. 5 Family Values:

#1172. Sin City Family Values.

From the collected edition Sin City vol. 6 Booze, Broads, & Bullets:

#1173. Just Another Saturday Night.

#1174. Fat Man And Little Boy.

#1175. The Customer Is Always Right.

#1176. Silent Night.

#1177. And Behind Door Number Three....

#1178. Blue Eyes.

#1179. Rats.

#1180. Daddy's Little Girl.

#1181. Wrong Turn.

#1182. Wrong Track.

#1183. The Babe Wore Red.

From the collected edition Sin City vol. 7 Hell And Back:

#1184. Hell and Back #1.

#1185. Hell And Back #2.

#1186. Hell And Back #3.

#1187. Hell And Back #4.

#1188. Hell And Back #5.

#1189. Hell And Back #6.

#1190. Hell And Back #7.

#1191. Hell And Back #8.

#1192. Hell And Back #9.

From the collected edition Project Superpowers vol.1:

#1193. Project Superpowers #0.

#1194. Project Superpowers #1.

#1195. Project Superpowers #2.

#1196. Project Superpowers #3.

#1197. Project Superpowers #4.

#1198. Project Superpowers #5.

#1199. Project Superpowers #6.

#1200. Project Superpowers #7.

#1201. The Lone Ranger #1.

#1202. The Lone Ranger #2.

#1203. The Lone Ranger #3.

#1204. The Lone Ranger #4.

#1205. The Lone Ranger #5.

#1206. The Lone Ranger #6.

#1207. The Lone Ranger #7.

#1208. The Lone Ranger #8.

#1209. The Lone Ranger #9.

#1210. The Lone Ranger #10.

#1211. The Lone Ranger #11.

#1212. The Lone Ranger #12.

#1213. The Lone Ranger #13.

#1214. The Lone Ranger #14.

#1215. The Lone Ranger #15.

#1216. The Lone Ranger #16.

#1217. The Lone Ranger #17.

#1218. The Lone Ranger #18.

#1219. The Lone Ranger #19.

#1220. The Lone Ranger #20.

#1221. The Lone Ranger #21.

#1222. The Lone Ranger and Tonto #1.

#1223. The Lone Ranger and Tonto #2.

#1224. Hellboy -The Fury #2.

#1225. Godzilla - Gangsters & Goliaths #2.

#1226. Punisher Max #15.

#1227. Loose Ends #1.

#1228. The Li'l Depressed Boy #5.

#1229. The Red Wing #1.

#1230. Wormwood Gentleman Corpse #1.

#1231. Batman - The Dark Knight #3.

#1232. B.P.R.D. - Hell On Earth - Monsters #1.

#1233. The New Avengers #14.

#1234. Captain America #1.

#1235. Avengers vs. New Ultimates #6.

From the collected edition The Marquis - Danse Macabre:

#1236. Les Preludes.

#1237. Danse Macabre #1.

#1238. Danse Macabre #2.

#1239. Danse Macabre #3.

#1240. Danse Macabre #4.

#1241. Danse Macabre #5.

Wow! That was a lot of good comic book reading. Some stand outs include Sin City vols. 5, 6 and 7 and The Marquis. The similarities? They are both creator owned, written and drawn black and white books but their approaches are miles apart. While Frank Miller has his crime filled world of Sin City hidden in deep black shadows, Guy Davis by contrast has his "sinful city" Venisalle stuck in a constantly lit winter with very nice grey tones. Both books are enjoyable and highly recommended.

Okay, only 770 comics left to read!



Saturday, July 9, 2011

2011 in 2011. The End Of Week 27!

Hello Chums,

Another week down in my quest and 40 more comic books read. You know the usual. Check out my reads for this week.

#1132. The Spider - A Gene Colan Film.

#1133. Conan #1.

#1134. Conan #2.

#1135. Conan #3.

#1136. Conan #4.

#1137. The Man-Thing #1.

#1138. The Elephantmen #32.

#1139. Fear Itself #4.

#1140. Batman Beyond #7.

#1141. 50 Girls 50 #2.

#1142. Blue Estate #4.

#1143. Ultimate X #1.

#1144. Ultimate X #2.

#1145. Ultimate X #3.

#1146. Ultimate X #4.

#1147. Ultimate X #5.

#1148. The Secret Avengers #1.

#1149. The Secret Avengers #2.

#1150. The Secret Avengers #3.

#1151. The Secret Avengers #4.

#1152. The Secret Avengers #5.

#1153. The Secret Avengers #6.

#1154. The Secret Avengers #8.

#1155. The Secret Avengers #9.

#1156. The Secret Avengers #10.

#1157. The Secret Avengers #11.

#1158. The Secret Avengers #12.

#1159. The Secret Avengers #12.1

From the collected edition Sin City vol. 3 The Big Fat Kill:

#1160. The Big Fat Kill #1.

#1161. The Big Fat Kill #2.

#1162. The Big Fat Kill #3.

#1163. The Big Fat Kill #4.

#1164. The Big Fat Kill #5.

From the collected edition Sin City vol. 4 That Yellow Bastard:

#1165. That Yellow Bastard #1.

#1166. That Yellow Bastard #2.

#1167. That Yellow bastard #3.

#1168. That Yellow Bastard #4.

#1169. That Yellow Bastard #5.

#1170. That Yellow Bastard #6.

#1171. Tales Of The Teen Titans #51.

That's 1171 down or 840 to go. Just 840? That sounds easy.

On a non-comic book note:

As I write this I'm watching Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls. I was less than a fan when this movie came out. Watching it again on SyFy, I realize that it is an okay made for TV movie even if it was a theatrical release movie. I mean the nuclear blast, the vehicle to vehicle sword fighting, the monkeys, the ants and the waterfall scenes. Shhheesh. What were they thinking. But there is some okay parts to. I liked seeing Marion Ravenwood back in action and the office scene were Indiana reflects on his father and Marcus Brody were winners. All in all maybe not as dreadful as I first thought.

Keep Reading Comics.


Saturday, July 2, 2011

2011 in 2011. The End Of Week 26!

Hello Chums,

Another week down and 43 more comics read. I decided to not only read The New Teen Titans again, but to re-read Sin City also. Now that's some good reading. As far as The Titans go, Wolfman and Perez have been stellar. I now remember what all the hype was about. If you've forgotten, re-read these classic stories. You won't be disappointed.

From the collected edition The Walking Dead vol. 14 - No Way Out:

#1089. The Walking Dead #79.

#1090. The Walking Dead #80.

#1091. The Walking Dead #81.

#1092. The Walking Dead #82.

#1093. The Walking Dead #83.

#1094. The Walking Dead #84.

#1095. Tales of the Teen Titans #41.

#1096. Tales of the Teen Titans #42.

#1097. Tales of the Teen Titans #43.

#1098. Tales of the Teen Titans #44.

#1099. Tales of the Teen Titans Annual #3.

#1100. Tales of the Teen Titans #45.

#1101. Tales of the Teen Titans #46.

#1102. Tales of the Teen Titans #47.

#1103. Tales of the Teen Titans #48.

#1104. Tales of the Teen Titans #49.

#1105. Tales of the Teen Titans #50.

#1106. Captain America #619.

#1107. Avengers - The Children's Crusade #6.

#1108. Godzilla - Kingdom of Monsters #4.

#1109. True Blood - Tainted Love #5.

#1110. Butcher Baker #4.

#1111. Wolverine - The Best There Is #7.

#1112. Creepy #6.

From the collected edition Sin City vol.1 The Hard Goodbye:

#1113. Dark Horse Presents #51 - Sin City.

#1114. Dark Horse Presents #52 - Sin City.

#1115. Dark Horse Presents #53 - Sin City.

#1116. Dark Horse Presents #54 - Sin City.

#1117. Dark Horse Presents #55 - Sin City.

#1118. Dark Horse Presents #56 - Sin City.

#1119. Dark Horse Presents #57 - Sin City.

#1120. Dark Horse Presents #58 - Sin City.

#1121. Dark Horse Presents #59 - Sin City.

#1122. Dark Horse Presents #60 - Sin City.

#1123. Dark Horse Presents #61 - Sin City.

#1124. Dark Horse Presents #62 - Sin City.

#1125. Dark Horse Presents Fifth Anniversary Special - Sin City.

From the collected edition Sin City vol.2 A Dame To Kill For:

#1126. Sin City - A Dame To Kill For #1.

#1127. Sin City - A Dame To Kill For #2.

#1128. Sin City - A Dame To Kill For #3.

#1129. Sin City - A Dame To Kill For #4.

#1130. Sin City - A Dame To Kill For #5.

#1131. Sin City - A Dame To Kill For #6.

I am now half way through the year. I've read 1131 comics with just 880 comics to go! That makes me 126 comics ahead! Yes!

Keep Reading Comics!

I Will!
