Hello Chums,
I've been busy reading trades this week (and last week) and I neglected to post my review. However with the past multiple review posts, I'm currently ahead of schedule on my target of 52 reviews this year. I'll try my best to stay on track (when I can.)
This time around I thought I'd talk a little about The Death Of Captain Marvel. I never read it when I was a kid and I thought I'd give it a try now. Could this Jim Starlin story that's referred to all the time, stand the test of time?
I won't go into all of Captain Marvels past history, this is his story at the end. Early in this story we find that Marvel is sick and diagnosed with what people of Titan call the Inner Decay, we call it cancer. Yep, the BIG "C". There is no cure for it in the Marvel universe either.
To say the Captain is well liked is an understatement. When the diagnosis comes to light, all of Marvel's big brains look for a cure. It's a race to save the Captain. But nothing seems to help. After spending time with friends and lovers, Marvel realizes it's the end and he makes peace with it (and with some enemies) before the inevitable end.
About every major Marvel character is at Captain Marvel's bedside at the end. After Marvel is gone we see part of his journey into "the light." A fitting end to a well liked hero.
Okay this isn't Brian's Song, but it is an effectively sad story.
Rating: Story and Art: A-