I have a nice reading list this week. Check them out.
The Immortal Iron Fist #19. Continuing on with the story of the killer of Iron Fists.
Thor Secret Invasion #3 (of 3). Conclusion to the return of Beta Ray Bill story.
Thor #11. Continuing with the return of the Asguardians in good 'ol Oklahoma. And oh yeah, Thor talks to the ghost of Captain America.
Astonishing X-Men Ghost Boxes #1 (of 2). Two stories of the X-men set in different worlds.
Ultimate Captain America Annual #1. The origin of Ultimate Black Panther. And how Captain America replaced him.
1985 #6 (of 6). A very fine conclusion to this retro story set (mostly) in 1985.
Captain America Theater Of War (one-shot). Single mission Cap story set in 1944 which pits Cap against the Nazi's. Nuff said!
Jack of Fables #27. Turning Pages p. 3 (of 3). What's going on here?
Resurrection Annual 2008. Somehow I've got this issue but I haven't got issue 6 yet (which completes the first arc). So I'll hold off and read this later.
Dark Horse:
Hellboy In The Chapel Of Moloch (one-shot). I may be in the minority here but I didn't think this story was that great. Also for Mignola's first drawn story in a while, I was under impressed with the art work. This reminds me of when McFarland stopped drawing Spawn and Capullo took over. In just a few issues Capullo was out McFarland(ing) McFarland. When McFarland did do an issue it couldn't hold up to Capullo's art.
Kick Drum Comix #1 (of 2). Over sized book. Check. Two stories in one. Check. No adds. Check. Art and story by Jim Mahfood (kind of a Paul Pope look and feel). Check. Nice Package.
The Pick Of My Pile this week is Kick Drum Comix #1. Not your usual super hero fare with entertaining art in a "new" nice size package.