Monday, April 20, 2009
Pick Of My Pile for the week of 4-15.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Pick Of My Pile for the week of 4-8.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Comic Book Prices
Monday, April 6, 2009
Pick Of My Pile for the week of 4-1.
Avengers / Invaders #9 (of 12). This book is sooo late. I mean the Wasp is still alive. This makes completely no sense. This book should have been a stand alone story from the start. Involving the current New and Mighty Avengers was a stupid move.
Franklin Richards - Son Of A Genius - April Fools (one-shot). I like this book. I pick it up every time it comes out however, with the new higher pricing it will be a dropped book next time.
New Avengers - The Reunion #2 (of 4). Hawkeye and Mockingbird together again (sort of). This might not be what Hawkeye hopes for.
Captain America Comics #1. Another retailing of Caps origin (nice story and art). But the old school back up story (baseball) was weak.
Agents Of Atlas #3. Nice story with fantastic flashback art.
The New Mutants Saga (free). Another free book. Yeah it's just an add to attract new readers into the new New Mutants book. But so what, these are cool. Where are the free comics DC?
Universal War One - Revelations #1 (of 3) (Soleil). Continuing were the last mini-series left off. Great sci-fi story, art, and coloring. 46 pages. No adds. The complete package.
Angel - Blood and Trenches #2. Great John Byrne black and white art. I'm not an Angel fan but I'm digging this book.
Star Trek Crew #2. John Byrne. Star Trek. Nuff said! I like it!
Star Trek Countdown #4 (of 4). The conclusion to this summers movie prequel.
The Flash Rebirth #1. Barry Allen is back. I'm not a big DC guy but this issue was pretty good. Ethan Van Sciver's art really fit the story.
Jersey Gods #3. Sweet Paul Pope Cover. I'm still not sure what's going on here but I liked this issue better than the last. Sweet Paul Pope Cover. Nice back up story also. 28 pages. No adds. How about a Paul Pope written and drawn back up story? That would be kick ass.
There were some solid books this week: The Flash, Star Trek - The Crew and Angel to name a few. But The Pick Of My Pile this week is Universal War One - Revelations. This book is head and shoulders above everything else. I wish every book had as high of production values. All it's missing is a hard stock cover like the IDW books.