Monday, June 16, 2008

Pick Of My Pile for the week of 5-28-08

Hello Chums,

Right to my picks for this week. Marvel comics leads the way with 7 comics bought.


All Star Superman #11 Convoluted story but pretty pictures.


Giant Size Astonishing X-Men # 1 Conclusion of Whedon and Cassaday run.

Young Avengers Presents # 5 of 6 Stature story.

Uncanny X-Men #498 X-Men in San Francisco and Russia.

Thor #9 Asgardians in Oklahoma with a female Loki story.

New Avengers #41 More Secret Invasion in the Savage Land.

Marvel Comics Presents #9 Four independent stories with the Hulk and Machine Man.

The Immortal Iron Fist #15 Solo story of Iron Fist Bei Bang-Wen.

The Pick Of My Pile this week is Thor#9. This issue was good enough to save the title from me dropping it for a few more issues.



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