Sunday, March 20, 2011

2011 in 2011. End of week 11!

Hello Chums,

I had a light reading week this week, only 40 issues read. That's a bummer. This next week doesn't look to promising either. What's going to cut into my reading this week? Keep reading. On with the comics.

From the collected edition Omega The Unknown Classic:

#479. Omega The Unknown #1.

#480. Omega The Unknown #2.

#481. Omega The Unknown #3.

#482. Omega The Unknown #4.

#483. Omega The Unknown #5.

#484. Omega The Unknown #6.

#485. Omega The Unknown #7.

#486. Omega The Unknown #8.

#487. Omega The Unknown #9.

#488. Omega The Unknown #10.

#489. Defenders #76.

#490. Defenders #77.

From the collected edition Strangers In Paradise pocket edition #3:

#491. Strangers In Paradise (SIP) vol. 3 #26.

#492. SIP #27.

#493. SIP #28.

#494. SIP #29.

#495. SIP #30.

#496. SIP #31.

#497. SIP #32.

#498. SIP #34.

#499. SIP #35.

#500. SIP #36.

#501. SIP #37.

#502. SIP #38.

From the collected edition Strangers In Paradise pocket edition #4:

#503. Strangers In Paradise (SIP) vol. 3 #40.

#504. SIP #41.

#505. SIP #42.

#506. SIP #43.

#507. SIP #44.

#508. SIP #45.

#509. SIP #47.

#510. SIP #48.

#511. Avengers Children's Crusade Young Avengers (oneshot).

#512. Avengers vs. New Ultimates #2.

#513. Fear Itself Book of the Skull (oneshot).

#514. Spider #1.

#515. Ruse #1. Crossgen is BACK!

#516. The Spirit #12.

#517. Axe Cop #1.

#518.The Big Easy Score. What is The Big Easy Score? It's the new comic by local artist and Better Than Fiction (the podcast) co-host, Scott Sackett. Keep a eye out for this crime comic.

Less than 1500 comics to go! I can make it.

As I mentioned before I will be busy this week. I'm once again headed to Planet Comic-con in Kansas City. It's always a great time. See you there.

Keep Reading Comics.


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