Saturday, February 18, 2012

Smallville - A Retrospective -6.

Greetings Friends,

I'm deep into my quest to watch all 10 seasons of Smallville now. Check it out.

Season 2 Episode 3: Duplicity (original air date 10-8-02).

Doctor Hamilton is back but not acting well. Lex decides to end his investigation into the meteor crystals and fires him. On his way down the rode, Dr. Hamilton has an episode of the shakes and causes another driver to crash his van. Pete sees the crash, helps the victim and sees Clark's ship in the corn field. After dropping the victim at the hospital, Pete gets Clark to help him get the ship back to his house. The next day it is stolen out of Pete's family tool shed. He suspects Clark. To prove his honesty to Pete, Clark tells him his secret. Lionel is back at the mansion now but blind. Dr. Hamilton (looking for new funding) "shows" Lionel the ship he stole from Pete. Lana tells Clark that she has broken up with Whitney. Clark tells his mom and dad that he told Pete the truth. That news causes a fight between them. A desperate for answers Dr. Hamilton kidnaps Pete and tries to get him to talk. Clark rescues Pete. During the fight, Dr. Hamilton is doused with Kryptonite liquid. This makes Dr. Hamilton shake so violently it kills him. Clark and Pete then get the ship back to the Kent cellar. Lionel and Lex go to see the ship at Dr. Hamilton's but it is gone.

Season 2 Episode 4: Red (original air date 10-15-02).

There is a new girl at school that dresses on the wild side. It's time to get his new class ring. When Clark puts it on his personality changes. Lionel (now fully moved into the mansion) makes Lex's office his own. Clark (with ring on) refuses to study with his friend. He then checks out Chloe with his special vision. Clark is starting to act out and everyone else is paying for it. Clark kisses Lana (at the Talon) and tells her he has feelings for her. While out on a date with Lana, Clark dumps her for the new "hot" girl. Chloe finds out that the stone in the class rings are fake. Pete discovers that the stones are a form of Red Kryptonite. Clark is told that the stone in his ring is Red Kryptonite. This Red Kryptonite could be changing his personality but he refuses to take it off. Jonathan and Pete confront Clark about his class ring. Pete flashes a Green Krytonite meteor rock from a lead lined box. While he is briefly down, Jonathan crushes the stone with a sledge hammer. Clark reverts back to normal. When trying to apologises to Lana she refuses to accept it.

Keep Watching.


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