Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pick Of My Pile for the week of 6-25-08

Hello Chums,

An absolutely huge buying week for me this week. Check out what I picked up.


76 #4. Continuing the two stories of Jackie Karma and (my favorite) Cool.


Resurrection #5. The Continuing story of America after the "Bug" invasion.

Dark Horse:

B.P.R.D. The Ectoplasmic Man (one shot.) The story of Johann Kraus.


The Mighty Avengers #15. More Secret Invasion with the replacement of Yellow Jacket.

The New Avengers #42. The Secret Invasion continues with replacement of Spider-woman.

Young Avengers Presents #6 Hawkeye. Clint Barton passes the Hawkeye name to Kate Bishop.

Uncanny X-Men #499. Omega Red. Nuff Said!

The Ultimates 3 #4. This book is so late I can't remember exactly what"s going on.

The Immortal Iron Fist #16. Danny Rand's 33 birthday and Matt Fraction's last issue.

Fantastic Four #558. Death Of The Invisible Woman part 1.

Marvel Comics Presents #10. Four stories featuring Machine Man and Deadpool.

Two things are obvious about this list. No DC books. And where 'o where is Captain America #39? Even though it was on my pull list, my L.C.S. sold out without pulling me one. This is the fourth comic that they have missed (on my list) in the last month. This has got to stop.

The Pick Of My Pile this week was hard to pick. I really liked five books this week. The Three Avengers books, Iron Fist and B.P.R.D. were all strong. But I think the best overall book was The Mighty Avengers #15 with a nice Yellow Jacket story.




Scott Sackett said...

I think that was my last issue of Ultimates. Not that it matters because we won't see issue 5 this year.

What is wrong with Marvel that they fall for Joe Mad's lies? I thought they had the thing done before they shipped issue 1?

Besides all that, the book is horrible. That is as much as I can figgure out what the heck is going on. Mad is an awesome artist, I have a Wonder Woman drawing he did that was part of a Wizard competition with him versus another atist(Maybe Turner?) and Joe nailed it! His WW was really cool.

But that's all this guy has, cool posed and stock anatomy. And while that's cool for pin-ups, reading this book makes my eyes hurt. This guy cannot tell a story to save his life! I defy anyone to tell what the heck is going on in any issue, without reading the ballons.

And when you top it all off with coloring that makes everything look like it is made of dull plastic, well like I said, it makes my eyes hurt!

Well, like I said, that's $2.99 I'll be saving every 6 months.

D. L. Nelson said...

While I agree that the lateness of The Ultimates has been just awful, I'm hopeful the Jeph Loeb story makes sense in the end. Right now I'm not sure. On the Jo Mad art I can take it or leave it. I'd have a higher opinion of the book if it was done by Ian Churchill or the late Michael Turner. Because of Loeb I'll stick with it for now.