Saturday, July 9, 2011

2011 in 2011. The End Of Week 27!

Hello Chums,

Another week down in my quest and 40 more comic books read. You know the usual. Check out my reads for this week.

#1132. The Spider - A Gene Colan Film.

#1133. Conan #1.

#1134. Conan #2.

#1135. Conan #3.

#1136. Conan #4.

#1137. The Man-Thing #1.

#1138. The Elephantmen #32.

#1139. Fear Itself #4.

#1140. Batman Beyond #7.

#1141. 50 Girls 50 #2.

#1142. Blue Estate #4.

#1143. Ultimate X #1.

#1144. Ultimate X #2.

#1145. Ultimate X #3.

#1146. Ultimate X #4.

#1147. Ultimate X #5.

#1148. The Secret Avengers #1.

#1149. The Secret Avengers #2.

#1150. The Secret Avengers #3.

#1151. The Secret Avengers #4.

#1152. The Secret Avengers #5.

#1153. The Secret Avengers #6.

#1154. The Secret Avengers #8.

#1155. The Secret Avengers #9.

#1156. The Secret Avengers #10.

#1157. The Secret Avengers #11.

#1158. The Secret Avengers #12.

#1159. The Secret Avengers #12.1

From the collected edition Sin City vol. 3 The Big Fat Kill:

#1160. The Big Fat Kill #1.

#1161. The Big Fat Kill #2.

#1162. The Big Fat Kill #3.

#1163. The Big Fat Kill #4.

#1164. The Big Fat Kill #5.

From the collected edition Sin City vol. 4 That Yellow Bastard:

#1165. That Yellow Bastard #1.

#1166. That Yellow Bastard #2.

#1167. That Yellow bastard #3.

#1168. That Yellow Bastard #4.

#1169. That Yellow Bastard #5.

#1170. That Yellow Bastard #6.

#1171. Tales Of The Teen Titans #51.

That's 1171 down or 840 to go. Just 840? That sounds easy.

On a non-comic book note:

As I write this I'm watching Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls. I was less than a fan when this movie came out. Watching it again on SyFy, I realize that it is an okay made for TV movie even if it was a theatrical release movie. I mean the nuclear blast, the vehicle to vehicle sword fighting, the monkeys, the ants and the waterfall scenes. Shhheesh. What were they thinking. But there is some okay parts to. I liked seeing Marion Ravenwood back in action and the office scene were Indiana reflects on his father and Marcus Brody were winners. All in all maybe not as dreadful as I first thought.

Keep Reading Comics.


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