Sunday, July 17, 2011

2011 in 2011. The End Of Week 28!

Hello Chums,

Another week down and not one, not two, not even forty comics read. How many? Try 70! That is my BIGGEST week ever! Check it out.

From the collected edition Sin City vol. 5 Family Values:

#1172. Sin City Family Values.

From the collected edition Sin City vol. 6 Booze, Broads, & Bullets:

#1173. Just Another Saturday Night.

#1174. Fat Man And Little Boy.

#1175. The Customer Is Always Right.

#1176. Silent Night.

#1177. And Behind Door Number Three....

#1178. Blue Eyes.

#1179. Rats.

#1180. Daddy's Little Girl.

#1181. Wrong Turn.

#1182. Wrong Track.

#1183. The Babe Wore Red.

From the collected edition Sin City vol. 7 Hell And Back:

#1184. Hell and Back #1.

#1185. Hell And Back #2.

#1186. Hell And Back #3.

#1187. Hell And Back #4.

#1188. Hell And Back #5.

#1189. Hell And Back #6.

#1190. Hell And Back #7.

#1191. Hell And Back #8.

#1192. Hell And Back #9.

From the collected edition Project Superpowers vol.1:

#1193. Project Superpowers #0.

#1194. Project Superpowers #1.

#1195. Project Superpowers #2.

#1196. Project Superpowers #3.

#1197. Project Superpowers #4.

#1198. Project Superpowers #5.

#1199. Project Superpowers #6.

#1200. Project Superpowers #7.

#1201. The Lone Ranger #1.

#1202. The Lone Ranger #2.

#1203. The Lone Ranger #3.

#1204. The Lone Ranger #4.

#1205. The Lone Ranger #5.

#1206. The Lone Ranger #6.

#1207. The Lone Ranger #7.

#1208. The Lone Ranger #8.

#1209. The Lone Ranger #9.

#1210. The Lone Ranger #10.

#1211. The Lone Ranger #11.

#1212. The Lone Ranger #12.

#1213. The Lone Ranger #13.

#1214. The Lone Ranger #14.

#1215. The Lone Ranger #15.

#1216. The Lone Ranger #16.

#1217. The Lone Ranger #17.

#1218. The Lone Ranger #18.

#1219. The Lone Ranger #19.

#1220. The Lone Ranger #20.

#1221. The Lone Ranger #21.

#1222. The Lone Ranger and Tonto #1.

#1223. The Lone Ranger and Tonto #2.

#1224. Hellboy -The Fury #2.

#1225. Godzilla - Gangsters & Goliaths #2.

#1226. Punisher Max #15.

#1227. Loose Ends #1.

#1228. The Li'l Depressed Boy #5.

#1229. The Red Wing #1.

#1230. Wormwood Gentleman Corpse #1.

#1231. Batman - The Dark Knight #3.

#1232. B.P.R.D. - Hell On Earth - Monsters #1.

#1233. The New Avengers #14.

#1234. Captain America #1.

#1235. Avengers vs. New Ultimates #6.

From the collected edition The Marquis - Danse Macabre:

#1236. Les Preludes.

#1237. Danse Macabre #1.

#1238. Danse Macabre #2.

#1239. Danse Macabre #3.

#1240. Danse Macabre #4.

#1241. Danse Macabre #5.

Wow! That was a lot of good comic book reading. Some stand outs include Sin City vols. 5, 6 and 7 and The Marquis. The similarities? They are both creator owned, written and drawn black and white books but their approaches are miles apart. While Frank Miller has his crime filled world of Sin City hidden in deep black shadows, Guy Davis by contrast has his "sinful city" Venisalle stuck in a constantly lit winter with very nice grey tones. Both books are enjoyable and highly recommended.

Okay, only 770 comics left to read!



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