Monday, March 5, 2012

2012: Week 9 - Comics

Greetings Friends,

I read a few more books this week. Check them out.

#81. Secret Avengers #20.

#82. Star Trek #6.

#83. Steed and Mrs. Peel #2.

#84. Batman Beyond Unlimited #1.

#85. The New Avengers #21.

#86. The Avengers #23.

#87. A Game of Thrones #6.

#88. The Bionic Man 37.

#89. Batman Odyssey #5.

#90. Legion Secret Origin #5.

#91. Spaceman #4.

#92. The New Avengers #22.

#93. Sergio Aragones - Funnies #7.

#94. Astonishing X-Men #47.

#95. All Star Western #6.

#96. Road Rage #1.

#97. Star Trek - Legion of Super-Heroes #5.

#98. Savage Dragon #177.

That's it. Eighteen comics this week. Not bad. Just 402 left to go.

Keep Reading Comics.


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