Monday, July 30, 2012

2012 - End Of Week 30 - Comics

 Greetings Friends,

Thirty weeks down. Even more comics read this week. Check 'em out.

#408. All Star Western #11.
#409. B.P.R.D.  - Hell On Earth - Exorcism #2.
#410. Planet Of The Apes #16.
#411. Exile On The Planet Of The Apes #4. 
#412. Winter Soldier #8.
#413. Batman The Dark Knight #11.
#414. Comedian #2.
#415. The Manhattan Projects #5.
#416. Hit-Girl #2.
#417. Spaceman #8.
#418. Elephantmen #41.
#419. True Blood #3.
#420. The Bionic Man #11.
#421. Batman Incorporated #3.
#422. The Avengers #28 (*).
#423.Captain America #15 (*).

(*) denotes read as a digital comic book.

This is a strange group of books this week. A lot of these books won't be on my reading list much longer. This week both Planet Of The Apes books finish up. When Bendis and Brubaker are done with the Avengers and Captain America so am I. Spaceman one issue left. Bionic Man probably only one more to read. That's half of my books this week.

The big winners this week are Hit-Girl (good story and art) and The Manhattan Projects (great story and art). Give them a try.



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