Monday, May 4, 2009

Pick Of My Pile for the weeks of 4-22 and 4-29.

Hello Chums,

On to my purchases.

Week of 4-22:


Marvels: Eye Of The Camera #5 (of 6). This has been a well written and drawn limited series. I'm going to hate to see it (and Phil Sheldon) go.

The Mighty Avengers #24. I keep saying this but, I need to drop this title - eventually. I might after this arc.

The New Avengers #52. Okay, I haven't said this yet but, this book is officially on the chopping block now. It's just not doing it for me right now. Can it be saved?

The Immortal Iron Fist #25. This book has lost some steam since Brubaker and Fraction have left. I hear it's set to be canceled. Wanting to drop books, I guess that's okay with me.

Astonishing X-Men #29. This book is not "ASTONISHING" anymore. The title should have been placed on the back-burner ready to go if Whedon and Cassaday should ever return. Similarly, The Ultimates should have been reserved for the return of Millar and Hitch.

Kick Ass #6 (ICON). The Secret Origin of Big Daddy and Hit Girl. Nice story and art. I will gladly continue to buy this.


Jack of Fables #33. I'm going to hold off and read all nine parts of this Great Fables Crossover all at once. I hope it is great. If not chopping block!

Detective Comics #853. The conclusion to "Whatever Happened To The Caped Crusader?". This story was crap! I don't need or want stories like this.


I am Legion #3 (of 6). Just when I think I know what's going on, this issue proves me wrong. That's the difference between a 4 issue and a 6 issue limited series. More (and confusing) twists and turns with the plot.


Elephantmen #18. Nice story. But very nice markered(?) art by Marian Churchland. Her art fit the story perfectly. I hope she stays and does a few more issues.

Even though Marvels: Eye Of The Camera was very strong this week, The Pick Of My Pile is Elephantmen #18. Check out the variant sketch cover by J Scott Campbell. I got one.

Week of 4-29:


Dark Reign: The Cabal (one-shot). Five stories revolving around The Cabal.

Uncanny X-Men #509. The return of Psylocke should be cause for my approval, but I find this arc (and direction) booooring. Come on Fraction!

Ultimate Wolverine vs Hulk #5 (of 6). Only a slightly better issue than last month.

Captain America: Theater Of War - A Brother In Arms (one-shot). A very nice W.W.2 Cap story.

Avengers / Invaders #10 (of 12). Even though I don't care for this story being in current continuity, this is still a good story that keeps getting better with each issue.

The Pick Of My Pile this week is Avengers / Invaders #10. W.W.2, Union Jack, Spitfire, The Red Skull and the Cosmic Cube - Nuff Said! Oh Yeah, Captain America telling Iron Man that fighting friends (in The Civil War for your Nation) was difficult but the right thing to do.



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