Saturday, January 28, 2012

2012: Week 4.

Greetings Friends,

I'm continuing my quest to read 500 comics in 2012. Check out how I did this week.

#23. Creepy #7.

#24. Batman Odyssey #4.

#25. Captain America & Bucky #626.

#26. Demon Knights #5.

#27. Legion Secret Origin #4.

#28. Batman The Dark Knight #5.

#29. B.P.R.D. - Hell on Earth - Russia #5.

#30. Astonishing X-Men #46.

#31. Godzilla - Kingdom of Monsters #11.

#32. Justice League #5.

#33. All Star Western #5.

#34. Brilliant #2.

#35. The New Avengers #20.

#36. Alpha Flight #8.

#37. Elephantmen #37.

#38. Captain America #7.

#39. Star Trek #5.

#40. Betrayal of the Planet of the Apes #2.

#41. Betrayal of the Planet of the Apes #3.

#42. A Game of Thrones #5.

#43. The Bulletproof Coffin - Disinterred #1.

#44. Frankenstein Agent of Shade #5.

#45. Fear Itself - The Fearless #7.

That's it. Forty five comic books read for the first month. I'm right on pace.



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